Phone Parent Pro
Frequently Asked Questions and Installation Instructions

What is the cost to download and use the Phone Parent Pro software on my iPhone?
This is a free download that can be used to share GPS locations with other members of your GPS circle. Please review our pages here at for more information about installing and using Phone Parent Pro, as well as other important information about this software.

HOW IT WORKS: After installing Phone Parent Pro Mobile Tracker software on the phone, which takes approximately 30 seconds, parents can monitor GPS location data on a plotted map of anyone in their GPS circle. All of this data is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week from the Phone Parent Pro app or from our secure website at

What information does Phone Parent Pro record off the iPhone that it is installed on?

GPS Cell Phone Location - Each time the user checks in, the GPS coordinates of the phone location and time will be recorded.

What phones does Phone Parent Pro Software support?

The app is compatible with most iPhones in use today.

How Do You Install Phone Parent Pro on iPhones?

Once you click our free download buttons you will be sent to our Apple Store page where you would click on the link to install the software. It usually takes about 30 seconds to download. Phone Parent Pro installs on your iPhone just like any other Apple marketplace app. You will only need to enter a username, password and nickname when you are installing.

Phone Parent
Pro Mobile Tracker app

Make sure that GPS locations data is enabled on the phone. Make sure you checked off GPS services to enable GPS tracking on the phone.

After about 1-5 minutes, a notification should appear in notification tray at the top of the phone, indicating the Phone Parent Pro is running.

How do I Check In?
Click the 'Check In' button on the main screen. Your location will be recorded and the last three locations recorded from those in your GPS circle will be displayed on the map (One must click 'Check In' for the location to be recorded).

Phone Parent
Pro Mobile Tracker app

Who is in my group?
1) Any device on which you installed Phone Parent Pro using the same username and password will show in your group.
2) Any device that joins your group as result of you sending them a PassCode you created on the Invite screen.

How do I invite someone to join my group?
Click 'Invite' on the main screen then click the Send Email button. Your default email app will load with a pre-populated message which includes your passcode. Just select a recipient and send.

Phone Parent
Pro Mobile Tracker app

How do I Join a Group?
Click the 'Join' from the main menu. Enter the 7 digit Pass Code sent to you, and click 'Join Group' button. Go back to the main screen and click 'Check In' and you should see others in your group.

How do I hide the keyboard?
Scroll up or down on the screen outside of the textbox.

I only see pings near me:
You may need to zoom out or scroll the map to see devices outside of your 50 mile area.

Why can't I Invite?
You probably have joined someone else's group. Only the group owner can invite. You can invite once you have un-joined your group.

How do I view the locations of a particular member of my GPS circle?
Click Pings from the main screen. Select a device from list of names in your group and a list of dates for that device will appear. Click on a date, and the location will be displayed on the screen.

Are you a U.S. Based Company?
Yes. Spy Phone Labs LLC is a U.S. Based company with offices in New Jersey. Spy Phone Labs LLC is the World Leader in Mobile Tracker Software for Android and Apple Phones. Spy Phone® is a registered U.S. Trademark of Spy Phone Labs LLC

You can also access your control panel from this website - log in anytime by entering the username and password used when installing the app.

If the software is not used for 2 weeks, then the account will be removed. Since this is a free service we do not want to maintain accounts that are not being used.

If you sell, discard or otherwise transfer phone in any way you installed software on you must uninstall the software and delete the downloaded Phone Parent Pro app off the phone.

Do you provide phone support?

We do not provide phone technical support on the software at this time. You can email us at or open a support ticket with us in the control panel providing your user name you made account with so we can access your account.

Phone Parent Pro in my Country?

The user agrees that it is the responsibility of the user of Phone Parent Pro to research and follow the applicable law in their country in regard to the use of this software. By downloading and installing Phone Parent Pro, you represent that Phone Parent Pro will be used in a lawful manner in accordance with the laws in your jurisdiction. You must also read and agree to our User Agreement before installing Phone Parent Pro and using the service. Only install Phone Parent Pro on iPhones you own; you must inform people using the iPhone that the software is on the iPhone and what it is tracking and keeping records of in accordance with any applicable laws.

Does the software have to be physically installed on the iPhone?

Yes you must have physical possession of the iPhone on which the software will be installed.


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Spy Phone ® is a registered U.S. trademark. Phone Parent are pending U.S. Trademarks.Spy Phone Labs LLC is a U.S. based company located in New Jersey. Android ® is a registered trademark of Google ® : Samsung ® is a registered trademark of Samsung.